Editorial Board Members
Brief Biography

Mostafa Eidiani (Senior Member, IEEE) 

He earned a B.S., M.Eng. and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Ferdowsi and Azad University, Iran in 1995, 1997 and 2004. His research interests include renewable energy integration, power system control, transient and voltage stability, power system simulation, and DIgSILENT PowerFactory simulations and analysis. He has authored or co-authored 11 technical books, 9 chapter books, 40 journal papers, and 110 technical conference proceedings.

He is the author of three books with the Taylor and Francis group:


“Fundamentals of Power Systems Analysis I: Problems and Solutions”

“Advanced Topics in Power Systems Analysis: Problems, Methods, and Solutions”

“Fundamentals of Power System Transformers Modeling, Analysis, and Operation”

He was included in the list of the world’s top 2% scientists List 2024, published by Stanford University.

Mostafa Eidiani, Ph.D., S.M. IEEE

Ø  Board Member, Khorasan Electric Generation Company

Ø  Senior Member, Institute of Electric & Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Ø  Associate Professor, Energy Security and Sustainable Energy Institute

Ø  IEEE Author: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37333470400

Ø  ORCID: www.orcid.org/0000-0001-7736-6674

Ø  Web of Science Researcher ID: L-4037-2016

Ø  H-index (16): Scopus : www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56178313900

Ø  G-index (24): Impactio: www.impactio.com/researcher/MostafaEidiani

Ø  G-index (40): Aminer: www.aminer.cn/profile/mostafa-eidiani/53f4535ddabfaec09f1fb3a7

 Ø  Amazon Books:  https://www.amazon.com/author/eidiani


Ø  Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Iran (2004), Thesis entitled: "Fast and Accurate Method for Computing Available Transfer Capability by combination of static and dynamic methods", Supervisor: Mohammad Hassan Shanechi (Illinois Institute of Technology), Advisor: Ebrahim Vaahedi, Fellow IEEE, (University of British Columbia)

Ø   MSC in Electrical Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran (1996), Thesis entitled: "CTSA & POMP Two New Methods For Direct Analysis Of Transient Stability", Supervisor: Mohammad Hassan Shanechi (Illinois Institute of Technology)

Ø   BSC in Electrical Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran (1994), Thesis entitled: "Improvement of power system dynamic stability using SMES", , Supervisor: Mohammad Hassan Shanechi (Illinois Institute of Technology)

Experience and Expertise

Ø  Professional specialist in DIgSILENT PowerFactory

o   20 years of teaching DIgSILENT PowerFactory at the university as a power system laboratory course for undergraduate and graduate students

o   Published more than 50 papers and 10 books with DIgSILENT PowerFactory

o   The main project manager of 30 research projects with the Khorasan regional electricity company using DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Ø  10 years consultant for Khorasan Regional Electricity Research Committee

Ø  Member of the Board of Directors of Khorasan Power Generation Company (2022-2024)

Ø  2 years as the vice president and secretary of the engineering education committee of Khorasan province

Ø  3 years as a member of the electrical working group of the Technical and Civil Deputy of Mashhad Municipality

Ø  5 years as a member of the research committee of North Khorasan Electricity Distribution Company

Academic Experience

Ø  Lecturer at Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd Branch, (1998-2005)

Ø  Assistant Professor at Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd Branch, (2005-2011)

Ø  Assistant Professor at Khorasan Institute of Higher Education, (2005-2016)

Ø  Associate Professor at Khorasan Institute of Higher Education, (2016-2023)

Ø  Member of the founding board of the Energy Security and Sustainable Energy Institute, (2023-2024)

Three References/Recommender 

Ø  Ebrahim Vaahedi, Fellow IEEE, The University of British Columbia, Canada, vaahedi@hotmail.com, ebrahim.vaahedi@bctc.com, ebrahimv@ece.ubc.ca 


Ø  Kumars Rouzbehi, Senior Member IEEE, University of Seville, Spain, Associate Editor for IEEE Systems Journal, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IET Renewable Power Generation, IET High Voltage, IET Energy Systems Integration. krouzbehi@us.es, kumars.rouzbehi@upc.edu


Ø  Hassan M. Shanechi, Senior Member IEEE, Senior Lecturer at Illinois Institute of Technology, shanechi@iit.edu (https://www.iit.edu/directory/people/hassan-shanechi)


Ø  Institute of Electric and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Senior Member 

Ø  Association of Iranian Electrical & Electronics Engineers (AIEEE), Directors of AIEEE

Ø  Iranian Wind Energy Association, Member

Ø  European Information Technologies Certification Institute, Smart Energy Standards Group, Member

Ø  Iran Energy Association, Khorasan Branch, Director

Editorial Board and Reviewer 

Ø  Editor-in-Chief: International Journal of Energy Security and Sustainable Energy

Ø  Associate Editor: JEET, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (Scopus)

Ø  Associate Editor: IET, The Journal of Engineering (Scopus)

Ø  Editorial Board: IJAPE, International Journal of Applied Power Engineering (Scopus)

Ø  Guest Editor: JEPT , Journal of Energy and Power Technology

Ø  Editorial Board: Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering

Ø  Editorial Board: Majlesi Journal of Energy Management

Ø  Editorial Board: Electrical Asre Magazine

Ø  Editorial Board: Recent Advances in Engineering & Technology

Ø  Editorial Board: Sustainable Engineering and Innovation (SEI)

Ø  Editorial Board: Energy and Power Engineering

Ø  Editorial Board: Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

Ø  Editorial Board: Journal of Modern Green Energy

Ø  Editorial Board: Journal of New Achievements in Electrical, Computer and Technology

Ø  Editorial Board: Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (JEEE)

Ø  Reviewer: IEEE Transaction on Power System, International Journal of Electrical

                      Power and Energy Systems, Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, 

                      Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Ø  Asia Top 100 Engineering & Technology Scientists 2021

Ø  Best Researcher in Engineering, Khorasan Province, Iran (2015)

Ø  Best Researcher in Productivity, National Iranian Productivity Organization, Iran (2014)

Ø  Best Researcher in Islamic Azad University, North Khorasan, Iran, (2011)

Ø  Best Researcher in Islamic Azad University, Khorasan Province, Iran, (2010)

Ø  Best Researcher in Islamic Azad University, Khorasan Province, Iran, (2009)

Ø  Best Researcher in Islamic Azad University, Khorasan Province, Iran, (2004)

Ø  Best Researcher in Islamic Azad University, Khorasan Province, Iran, (2003)

Ø  Best Researcher in 7th scientific research Ferdowsi Festival, Ferdowsi University, (2009)

Ø  Best Researcher in 5th scientific research Ferdowsi Festival, Ferdowsi University, (2005)

Ø  Best Researcher in 4th scientific research Ferdowsi Festival, Ferdowsi University, (2003)

Ø  Best Researcher in 2nd scientific research Ferdowsi Festival, Ferdowsi University, (1997)

Ø  An acclaimed researcher in in 4th Khwarizmi Young Festival, Iran, (2002)

Research Projects

 | Year | Title | 1000$
| 1999 | Load forecastingneural network-fuzzy | 2.3
| 2000 | Stochastic Load Flow | 2.3
| 2001 | Rapid and accuratemethodfor determiningFCTTC | 3.1
| 2002 | Determine the maximum power transfer with consideringboth transient stability and voltage stability with DIgSILENT | 6.9
| 2006 | Determine the voltage stability (in an emergency) with DIgSILENT using the language of DPL | 3.8
| 2006 | Khorasannetworkharmonicanalysis With DIgSILENT | 22
| 2007 | Khorasannetworkdynamicanalysis With DIgSILENT | 3.7
| 2007 | Effect of fault current limiters and provide a practical approach to reduce the flow of economic and errors in transmission and distribution Khorasan with DIgSILENT | 17.3
| 2008 | Determining theload changesKhorasan InDIgSILENT | 3.8
| 2009 | Induction motorspeed control | 3.3
| 2008 | Review international experience in Providing power industries with impact loads with DIgSILENT | 3.8
| 2009 | Simulation ofvariablefrequency transformer with DIgSILENT | 3.3
| 2010 | Improving transient stability using generator tripping with DIgSILENT | 3.3
| 2011 | The Optimized configuration of the new power stations of Shirvan, Shahid Kaveh and Ferdowsi to different voltage levels and determination of optimized power injection to each voltage level with DIgSILENT | 19
| 2010 | Foresight and futures studies in the energy sector in Khorasan with DIgSILENT | 3.3
| 2010 | Study of electrical power swings on the Khorasan Regional Electricity Co. with DIgSILENT | 2.0
| 2012 | Available transfer capability determination in Khorasan network considering all the static and dynamic constraints with DIgSILENT | 12.5
| 2012 | Mashhad subway system impact studies on the grid, in terms of power quality with DIgSILENT | 0.4
| 2012 | Feasibility of the utilization of short circuit current limiting devices in the Toos with DIgSILENT | 0.4
| 2014 | Economic evaluation and feasibility of using different energy storage in the power grid Khorasan with DIgSILENT | 1.5
| 2015 | Determine the optimal capacity of renewable generation in Khorasan network with operational constraints with DIgSILENT | 1.5
| 2019 | Feasibility studies of radialized Khorasan network using evaluation of reliability, short-circuit level, loss, and determine the candidates for the open ring with DIgSILENT | 10.0


Top 10 Journal Papers (Total: 44 paper)

1.     Mostafa Eidiani, “Online Dynamic ATC Computation With LargeScale Wind Farms”, Electrical Engineering, Scopus (Q2), JCR(Q3), ISSN: 14320487, 09487921, Germany, 2024.

2.     Mostafa Eidiani, “A rapid state estimation method for calculating transmission capacity despite cyber security concerns”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2023; pp 1-9, https://doi.org/10.1049/gtd2.12747.

3.     Mostafa Eidiani, Hossein Zeynal, "An Effective Method to Determine the Available Transmission Capacity with Variable Frequency Transformer", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 2023, Article ID 8404284, 10 pages, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/8404284.

4.     Mostafa Eidiani, “A Quick and Comprehensive Method for Determining Static ATC with NRS and VFT”, Journal of Engineering Research, pp.45-51, 20(1), DOI:10.53540/tjer.vol.20iss1pp45-51, 2023.

5.     Mostafa Eidiani, "A New Hybrid Method to Assess Available Transfer Capability in AC-DC Networks Using the Wind Power Plant Interconnection", IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL (Q1-JCR, SJR), DOI: 10.1109/jsyst.2022.3181099, 2022.

6.       Mostafa Eidiani, " A New Load Flow Method to Assess the Static Available Transfer Capability",  Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42835-022-01105-3, Springer, Scopus Q3, 19750102, Web of Science, JCR-Q4, 2022.

7.       Mostafa Eidiani, "An Efficient Differential Equation Load Flow Method to Assess Dynamic Available Transfer Capability with Wind Farms ", IET Renewable Power Generation, pp.1-13, DOI: 10.1049/rpg2.12299, JCR (Q1), (IF:3.89), 2021.

8.       Mostafa Eidiani, "A reliable and efficient holomorphic approach to evaluate dynamic available transfer capability", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, DOI: 10.1002/2050-7038.13031, e13031, pp.1-14, JCR(Q2), (ISI-IF:2.8), 2021.

9.     Mostafa Eidiani, "A Reliable and efficient method for assessing voltage stability in transmission and distribution networks", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Sys., Vol. 33, Issue 3, pp. 453-456, ISI-JCR(Q1), IF:3.59, Hot Paper, March 2011.

10. Mostafa Eidiani, Mohammad Hassan Shanechi, "FAD-ATC, A New Method for Computing Dynamic ATC", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy System, Vol. 28, Issue 2, Pages: 109-118, JCR(Q1)-IF:3.59, Hot Paper, Feb 2006.

Books and Book Chapters

1.       [BOOK1] Mostafa Eidiani, Kumars Rouzbehi, “Advanced Topics in Power Systems Analysis: Problems, Methods, and Solutions”, Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press, ISBN 9781032828664,  2024. (https://www.routledge.com/Advanced-Topics-in-Power-Systems-Analysis-Problems-Methods-and-Solutions/Eidiani-Rouzbehi/p/book/9781032828664)

2.       [BOOK2] Mostafa Eidiani, Vahideh Heidari, “Fundamental of Power Systems Analysis 1: Problems and Solutions”, Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press, https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003394433, ISBN 9781032495613, 13 Sep. 2023. (https://www.routledge.com/Fundamentals-of-Power-Systems-Analysis-1-Problems-and-Solutions/Eidiani-Heidari/p/book/9781032495613)

3.       [BOOK CHAPTER1] Mostafa Eidiani, “Applying optimization techniques to develop a renewable energy supply map”, in Handbook of Smart Energy Systems, (Springer, 2022), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-72322-4_61-1

4.       [BOOK CHAPTER2] Mostafa Eidiani, “Integration of renewable energy sources”, in Handbook of Smart Energy Systems, (Springer, 2023), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-72322-4_41-1

5.       [BOOK CHAPTER3] Shirin Momen, Arsalan Hekmati, Soheil Majidi, Zahra Zand, Mohammad Zand, Javad Nikoukar, Mostafa Eidiani, “Energy Harvesting for Smart Energy Systems”, in Handbook of Smart Energy Systems, (Springer, 2023), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-72322-4_12-1

6.       [BOOK CHAPTER4] Zahra Zand, Muhammad Reza Ghahri, Soheil Majidi, Mostafa Eidiani, Morteza Azimi Nasab, Mohammad Zand, “Smart grid and Resilience”, in Handbook of Smart Energy Systems, (Springer, 2023), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-72322-4_178-1

7.       [BOOK CHAPTER5] Mostafa Eidiani, Soheil Majidi, Sasan Sabzi, " Cyber-physical energy systems with an example of maximum power transmission security for electrical power systems", in Cyber-Physical Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Systems, Wiley, 1st edition May 21, 2024. (https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Cyber+Physical+Power+Electronics+for+Renewable+Energy+Systems-p-9781394185856)

8.       [BOOK CHAPTER6] Mostafa Eidiani, "Modeling renewable energy resources using DIgSILENT PowerFactory software ", Book Title: Power Systems Operation with 100% Renewable Energy Sources, pp. 165-202, ISBN: 978-0-443-15578-9, Editors: Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Sharmeela Chenniappan, Sivaraman Palanisamy, Elsevier, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-443-15578-9.00013-3

9.       [BOOK CHAPTER7] Mostafa Eidiani, "The effect of power system strength on the calculation of available transmission capacity", Power System Strength: Evaluation Methods, Best Practices, Case Studies, and Applications,  IET Publisher, pp. 137 –174. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1049/PBPO247E_ch7

10.   [BOOK CHAPTER8], Mostafa Eidiani, Mohammad Kargar, Hossein Zeynal, “Interactive Use of D‐STATCOM and Storage Resource to Maintain Microgrid Stability for Commercial Systems”, Chapter published March 2023, P. Sivaraman, C. Sharmeela and P. Sanjeevikumar (eds.) Microgrids for Commercial Systems, (1–31) © 2023 Scrivener Publishing LLC, (Wiley and Scrivener Publishing), ISBN: 978-1394166305, February 2024. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781394167319.ch10

11.   [Book1/Persian Language] Mostafa Eidiani, Morteza Torabi, Ahmad Bani Hashemi, "Literature review and solving the problems of the power system analysis I", 2008.

12.   [Book2/Persian Language] Mostafa Eidiani, Kazem Ameli, "Design and power system analysis I", 2021, (Author: M. El-Hawari, Translation to Persian)

13.   [Book3/Persian Language] Mostafa Eidiani, Farzaneh Rahimi, "Literature review and solving the problems of the power system analysis II", 2021.

14.   [Book4/Persian Language] Mostafa Eidiani, Hosein Zeynal, Vahid Shirzad, "Design and power system analysis", 2021, (Author: Ashfaq Housain, Translation to Persian)

15.   [Book5/Persian Language] Mostafa Eidiani, " Fastbook of Electrical design manual for high rise buildings", 2021.

16.   [Book6/Persian Language] Mostafa Eidiani, Ali Pouyan, "Comprehensive Analysis of Power Network Integration with Renewable Resources with DIgSILENT", 2021.

17.   [Book7/Persian Language] Mostafa Eidiani, " Power systems and computer methods with DIgSILENT PowerFactory", 2021.

18.   [Book8/Persian Language] Mostafa Eidiani, Ali Dadfar, Soheil Majidi, “The key to engineering the reliability of the electric power distribution system”, 2024.


15 New Conference Papers (Total:110 paper)

1.         Mostafa Eidiani, Hossein Zeynal, Afrooz Ghavami, Zuhaina Zakaria, “Performance of Bifacial Solar System for 1MW gridconnected solar power plant in Mashhad, Iran: Design, Simulation and Economic Analysis”,  2024 9th International Conference on Technology andEnergy Management (ICTEM) 14-15 February, 2024, University of Science and Technology of Mazandaran, Behshahr, Mazandaran, Iran.

2.       Mostafa Eidiani, H. Zeynal and Z. Zakaria, "An Efficient Method for Available Transfer Capability Calculation Considering Cyber-Attacks in Power Systems," 2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference in Power Engineering Applications (ICPEA), Putrajaya, Malaysia, 2023, pp. 127-130, doi: 10.1109/ICPEA56918.2023.10093168.

3.       Mostafa Eidiani, H. Zeynal and Z. Zakaria, "A Comprehensive Study on The Renewable Energy Integration Using DIgSILENT," 2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference in Power Engineering Applications (ICPEA), Putrajaya, Malaysia, 2023, pp. 197-201, doi: 10.1109/ICPEA56918.2023.10093153.

4.       Mostafa Eidiani, Hosein Zeynal, Zuhaina Zakaria, Mohamed Shaaban, “A Comprehensive Study on the Renewable Energy Integration Using DIgSILENT”, 2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference in Power Engineering Applications (ICPEA), 1570860205, 6-7 March 2023.

5.       Mostafa Eidiani, Hosein Zeynal, Zuhaina Zakaria, “An Efficient Method for Available Transfer Capability Calculation Considering Cyber-Attacks in Power Systems”, IEEE 3rd International Conference in Power Engineering Applications (ICPEA), 1570859393, 6-7 March 2023.

6.       Mostafa Eidiani, Hosein Zeynal, Zuhaina Zakaria, Mohamed Shaaban, “Analysis of Optimization Methods Applied for Renewable Energy Integration”, 2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference in Power Engineering Applications (ICPEA), 1570861924, 6-7 March 2023.

7.       Mostafa Eidiani, Afroz Ghavami, Hosein Zeynal, Zuhaina Zakaria, “Comparative Analysis of Mono-Facial and Bifacial Photovoltaic Modules for Practical Grid-Connected Solar Power Plant Using PVsyst”, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 2022, pp. 499-504, doi: 10.1109/PECon54459.2022.9988872.

8.       Mostafa Eidiani, Hosein Zeynal, Mohamed Shaaban, “A Detailed Study on Prevailing ATC Methods for Optimal Solution Development”, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon), 2022, pp. 299-303, doi: 10.1109/PECon54459.2022.9988775.

9.       Mostafa Eidiani, Hosein Zeynal, Zuhaina Zakaria, “Development of Online Dynamic ATC Calculation Integrating State Estimation”, The 2022 IEEE International Conference in Power Engineering Applications (ICPEA 2022),https://doi.org/10.1109/ICPEA53519.2022.9744694, 7th to 8th March 2022.

10.    Mostafa Eidiani, Hossein Zeynal, Zuhaina Zakaria, “An Efficient Holomorphic Based Available Transfer Capability Solution in Presence of Large Scale Wind Farms”, The 2022 IEEE International Conference in Power Engineering Applications (ICPEA 2022), https://doi.org/10.1109/ICPEA53519.2022.9744711, 7th to 8th March 2022.

11.    M. Eidiani and H. Zeynal, "Determination of online DATC with uncertainty and state estimation," 2022 9th Iranian Conference on Renewable Energy & Distributed Generation (ICREDG), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICREDG54199.2022.9804581.

12.    M. Eidiani and A. Ghavami, "New network design for simultaneous use of electric vehicles, photovoltaic generators, wind farms and energy storage," 2022 9th Iranian Conference on Renewable Energy & Distributed Generation (ICREDG), 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICREDG54199.2022.9804534.

13.    M. Eidiani and H. Zeynal, "A Fast Holomorphic Method to Evaluate Available Transmission Capacity with Large Scale Wind Turbines," 2022 9th Iranian Conference on Renewable Energy & Distributed Generation (ICREDG), 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICREDG54199.2022.9804527.

14.    M. Eidiani and M. Kargar, "Frequency and voltage stability of the microgrid with the penetration of renewable sources," 2022 9th Iranian Conference on Renewable Energy & Distributed Generation (ICREDG), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICREDG54199.2022.9804542.

15.    Ghasem Ghardashi, Soheil Majidi, Majid Gandomkar, Mostafa Eidiani , Sajjad Dadfar, “Accuracy and Speed Optimization of Microgrid Islanding Detection based on PV using Frequency Reactive Power Feedback Method”, 16th International Conference on Protection & Automation in Power System, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, January 19, 2022 - January 20, https://doi.org/10.1109/IPAPS55380.2022.9763190, 2022.